Food Retail Reopening

Retail Resource has been a leading provider of retail solutions for over several decades, so we have taken it as our personal mission to better understand your new operational hurdles in this new normal. We appreciate the constant feedback you have given our dedicated team on the daily challenges you face, and through those suggestions coupled with our own industry insight, we're proud to offer you with the Retail Recourse CHARGE Action Plan.

Our CHARGE (Customer Health and Re-Imagining Guest Experience) Action Plan is designed to provide you with products that you need to find a new rhythm for your day to day operations, and solutions for succeeding in this period of the pandemic.

The Retail Resource CHARGE Action Plan with a focus on Operations is divided into three distinct areas of the current retail world you live in.

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Offering In-Store Pick Up

For shoppers who still want some in-store engagement, but aren't completely comfortable spending long periods of time shopping.

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Providing Curb-Side Pickup

For shoppers more comfortable with purchasing your products completely without the brick-and-mortar experience.

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Refreshing The In-Store Experience

For shoppers who still want to safely and efficiently shop inside your store

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How Safe and Clean is Your Store?

PPE & Safety Guidelines to Take CHARGE

Our first initiative we took when COVID impacted the retail industry was making sure that you were able to reopen safely and create a cleaner environment for your employees and shoppers. From PPE and thermometers, to strategic signage and cleaning products—this safety series of the CHARGE Action Plan is essential to adhering to new industry guidelines and keeping all who enter your store safe.

Food Retail

We're listening and want to hear from you.

If you have another unforeseen area of your business directly affected by the coronavirus, feel free to reach out to an on-call retail expert—we are here to help. We also encourage those with questions to please email our award-winning customer support team for assistance.

We will work through this together, and look forward to helping you in any way we can.