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Holiday Sales
1. Creative marketing
If you're anything like us, your e-mail inbox is stock full during the holidays, namely from retailers offering discounts and trying to attract holiday shoppers. Because this is a huge time of year for advertising, your store can benefit from creatively reaching your customers. E-mails are okay, but consider investing in social media ads as well. When advertising for holiday promotions, make sure to offer something unique to stand out! Free gift with purchase, in-store experiences and killer deals are great ways to attract customers.

2. Optimize Online Store
While our main goal is to increase your store's foot traffic, it would be foolish to believe that customers won't shop your store online. People are becoming increasingly accustomed to quick ordering, and should be able to navigate your site/app easily. Put popular products and promotions on the front page, and take advantage of your online surface by advertising your in-store deals, as well. Offering separate deals online will get customers shopping online AND in-store.

3. Offer Variety of Add-On Items
Let's face it: how many of us wait until the last minute to do our holiday shopping? There is a reason that the Saturday before Christmas is always insanely busy, and your store can offer relief to these last-minute shoppers! The idea of a "one-stop-shop" is great to convey to customers, and you can do this by providing add-on items that may not be completely related to your brand. A customer shopping for their mom in a jewelry store will be pleasantly surprised to find stuffed animals as add-on items, perfect for a child in their life. Don't forget that stocking stuffers are HUGE during Christmastime.

4. Optimize Gift Cards
Gift cards are truly the gifts that keep on giving. Besides being the most popular gift during the holidays, they insure that people will spend money- and generally, they will spend more than the gift card amount. Create holiday designs and make sure the gift cards are convenient and attractive (as much "in your face" as possible without actually being in the customers' face). Another great way to increase gift card sales is to offer special gift card promotions.

5. Vocalize Gift Shopping Narrative
According to retaildoc.com, one of the most effective things to say to customers during the holidays is "who else are you shopping for?" This will automatically cause the customer to rack their brain and to consider your items. This is when #3 on our list comes in... "Oh, you're shopping for Dad, too? Let me show you our limited edition selection of bowties..." Remember, most of these shoppers are looking for a gift, and most likely did not consider how many people they can "check off their list" with just one store.